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Daredevil ‘Rooftopper’ Plunges To His Death From Chinese High Rise

Article Date - 12/12/2017

Like any commandment, including "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13), we are to not kill, including ourselves, but avoid all things that lead up to such. This is inclusive of all things that cause unnecessary risk to life and limb. Necessary risks may including getting into a vehicle, going outside, even getting out of bed. Unnecessary risks, especially that which is all for the seeking of a thrill, includes bungee jumping, many contact sports, even non-contact sports like auto racing and skiing, tight rope walking, and so on. Anything that risks one's life unnecessarily is to be avoided. This does not include those that take risks for others, like police officers, medical emergency staff, fire fighters, and other like professionals. These people should be appreciated for what they do to protect society.