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Abrams says it's 'fallacy we know exactly when a pregnancy starts'

Article Date - 10/09/2022

COMMENT: Please set politics aside and focus upon one of the dumbest statement on the subject being past office something intelligent. We are told to follow the science in other more complicated matters and yet we are told that science cannot tell us when pregnancy begins? We are not even talking about the discussion of life but pregnancy. If "when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin" (James 1:15), the parallel is that once conception occurs, it bringeth forth a child. Just about every doctor would testify that once a woman, and not man, is tested for being pregnant and it is positive, then they are instantly declared that they are pregnant and then the calculation begins to see when conception happened. Once the doctor finds that date, they usually utter, "You have been pregnant for X weeks."