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Pelosi ripped for tweet saying Trump can ‘prove innocence’ at trial

Article Date - 03/31/2023

COMMENT: “A presumption of innocence means that any defendant in a criminal trial is assumed to be innocent until they have been proven guilty,' the law school states." This attitude that is actually no mistake but a purposeful intent to brainwash the public to turn the position on rights that people have will be used against those that refuse to go along with the Mark of the Beast. To be called into court to prove innocence at that time instead of being guilty makes it easier for the courts to jail and execute those that do not consent to the Mark. This change in society's understanding is evident because those involved with setting up the image of the beast will "cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed" (Revelation 13:15). Society supporting such an attitude goes against the laws of the land of today. Evidently the law is ignored or changed into having to prove innocence.