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Boycott over LGBT law impacts more than just the music fans

Article Date - 05/23/2016

COMMENT: And the agenda continues. If outright attacks don't work, they run articles that shows the nasty repercussions for standing on principle. This why even Christianity is so wimpy. No one wants to deal with the ramifications of standing on principle.

If a teen person doesn't want to sin by drinking alcohol, making out, or even doing drugs, do you know how many parties such teens are going to miss out on? Isn't that just part of high school, partying? Especially college? It's an experience! A true Christian teen will not attend such parties or want that experience, even "just to socialize". Those Christians that go to parties and when something bad happens says, "Ooops", need to realize that there is a greater sin than the getting drunk, having sex, or doing drugs. Of course those that believe they are still saved anyways or unfortunately actually lost. But those that say, "I will confess the sin and be forgiven" failed at obeying Jesus' other words, "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed [is] willing, but the flesh [is] weak" (Matthew 26:41).

But the point here is that when principle is stood upon, weak and unconverted people always point to the negative results. Standing for God is the greatest principle. That explains why there are so many Christians in name only. How sad that they stand for nothing. It's all about allowance and acceptance, when Jesus did not teach such. "But go ye and learn what [that] meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Matthew 9:13). What does that mean? It means all the sinners that Jesus called and did not repent were not included. So yes, the prostitutes that continued prostituting were cast out while Mary repented and was included. All the tax collectors or publicans continuing their stealing ways by overcharging their clients so as to pocket the money were cast away, but Matthew and Zacchaeus both were included.

Standing for principle is what God calls for because Jesus said, "He that endureth to the end shall be saved" (Matthew 10:22). So we ought to support those that stand alone on principle. They are the true heroes.