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America’s ‘recovery’ is baloney — we’re actually broke

Article Date - 05/29/2016

COMMENT: This article states that about half this country is living hand to mouth in that this half would not be able to deal with a $400 personal crisis. Being so dependent financially is exactly where those involved in the future enforcing of the Mark of the Beast wants us. In fact, they are hoping to get a whole lot more people into that condition. These people living from paycheck to paycheck without a savings account to fall back upon are being trained up to submit to the fact "that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Revelation 13:17). They are trying to set us up to depend upon the government and when it involves a choice between food on the table and going hungry, well, only you can answer that for yourself.