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In Theory: A lawmaker reads the Bible's 'reprobate' list

Article Date - 06/03/2016

COMMENT: To address PROBLEM #1, "the Bible should never be part of an official political meeting of any kind" is not right. It seems OK to read anything else, including content that actually condemns Christianity, and it seems alright to quote content from former leaders that tried undermining the United States, and it seems OK to read things that are the opposite of what the Bible teaches, yet, when Christianity is trying to be represented, there's a double standard. The Bible ought to be read so as to represent the Christian view. To ban it means that Christians do not have a say. It would be different if we were to say that evolution, science of the world, etc. were banned permitting only Christian content in politics, but we're not saying that. Go ahead and quote from atheistic scientists. Quote the falsehoods of climate change. Everyone has a voice and the Christian voice is the Bible.

Point #2 of placing the verses in a time period but not applicable today is nonsense. The Bible clearly states, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination" (Leviticus 18:22). That is for all time. So the passage in Romans is not about the debauchery during the Roman Empire only. If a person burns in their heart for the same gender to have sex with, it does not matter if it is one or an orgy. It is condemned. And besides, there are plenty more verses of where that came from. Even try reading Jude, which clearly warns about not turning into Sodom and Gomorrah.

Now with point #3, the usual attack to justify one sin is by bringing up others, such as eating lobster, cheeseburgers, and having sex only in a procreative manner with one's wife. All this means is that the list has gotten longer. It is true that "Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that [shall be] an abomination unto you" (Leviticus 11:12), so stop it. Jesus did not die on the cross making shell fish, pigs, and even vultures fine to eat. They are poison to the human. As for cheeseburgers, for health reasons, one should stop. God knows best. As for procreative sex with one's wife, that's distorted. If they are saying promiscuity is sinful too, then they are right. So stop with the flirting, the touching, the embraces of those that are not your spouse. Justifying one sin by identifying a list of other sins that are permitted does not lessen it in the eyes of God. No wonder God says, "Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it" (Matthew 7:14). There's a whole lot of people going to hell, especially those of the Christian faith.