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Nearly two-thirds of millennials say spending $7 on a daily cup of coffee brings them ‘joy’ — but Suze Orman has compared it to ‘peeing $1M down the drain.’ Who’s right?

Article Date - 12/11/2023

And this is why feelings have to be kept in the secondary as opposed to the primary. To be driven by what brings joy means that all of the right decisions that are not so joyful are left undone. No wonder the work ethic is so poor with the upcoming generation. This is so wrong on so many accounts. That amount of money and more per day adds up quickly to be a serious investment into idolatry, plus not living in reality. "He that loveth pleasure [shall be] a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich" (Proverbs 21:17). And the "poor" does not necessarily mean financially. It can mean that they lack Christ in their life, which means they lack salvation.