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Why is NC spending millions in taxpayer money on centers that mislead pregnant people? Read more at:

Article Date - 07/22/2022

Please set aside the politics and focus on what is about to be presented. We defend freedom of speech even if we disagree with it, even if it were satanic because take away one's freedoms undermines our own. With that said, here is the latest tactic to push the immoral activity of society. Call it misleading and throw science into the argument. Science is worthless in the argument. There are scientists that will show evidence of global warming and others that show it is simply cyclical stage of the earth. There are even scientists that still tout how smoking is healthful while others do not. So, there are medical professionals that can show "links abortion to breast cancer, psychological disorders, and extreme complications" while the article states "all of which is not supported by medical evidence." It all depends upon the ones a person chooses to listen to. But the point is, to restrict the free exercise of the rights of these anti-abortion clinics, which is expanding to becoming any speech that one side disagrees with, it is labeled as "misinformation". Look at all of the "fact-checking" on social media. Most of those "facts" are actually opinions. So, be careful of the schemes that one side or the other are playing to achieve their way at the cost of taking away freedoms. "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn" (Proverbs 29:2).