News Story

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Christian Shopper Is Ordered to Remove His 'Jesus Saves' Shirt or Leave — at the Mall of America

Article Date - 01/21/2023

Have you ever been unwelcome at a mall? A man in Minnesota recently was. And the reason may surprise you.

As seen in a viral video, a visitor at Bloomington’s famed Mall of America was wearing a T-shirt which alerted security. Ungregarious guards got intensely involved. lays out the rules:

Conduct that is disorderly, disruptive or which interferes with or endangers business or guests is prohibited. Such conduct may include but is not limited to:

Running, loud offensive language, spitting, throwing objects, fighting, obscene gestures, gang signs, skating, skateboarding or bicycling
Intimidating behavior by groups or individuals
Loitering, engaging in soliciting, blocking storefronts, hallways, skyways, fire exits or escalators, or walking in groups in such a way as to inconvenience others
Picketing, demonstrating, soliciting, protesting or petitioning

Appropriate attire, including shirts and shoes, must be worn. Inappropriate attire may include, but is not limited to:

Apparel that has obscene language, obscene gestures or racial/religious/ethnic slurs that are likely to create a disturbance
Clothing that deliberately obscures the face, such as hooded tops or masks
Bulletproof vests or simulated bulletproof vests
On January 7th, a male mallgoer sported a shirt declaring “Jesus Saves.” The back stated, “Jesus Is the Only Way.”

Accosting officers were unimpressed; in the footage, one insists, “Jesus is associated with religion, and it’s offending people.”

Thou shalt not provoke:

“People have been offended. … [A]ll we’re asking you (to do) is to take your shirt off and you can go to Macy’s, or you can leave.”

The patron — who has identified himself on YouTube as Paul Shoro, from Ethiopia — responds, “I didn’t say anything, though. I didn’t speak.”

The guard stays on point:

“Again, I’m giving you a couple of options. You can take your shirt off and you can go to Macy’s, and you can do your shopping. Or you can leave the mall. … Those are your only options right now — unless you want to be placed (indecipherable)…”

The officer then shouts:

“If you want to shop here, you need to take that shirt off. … It is religious soliciting. There is no soliciting allowed on mall property, which is private property.”

Paul makes clear he’s been told to leave before; but that was under different circumstances:

“I am a citizen, and I know the Constitution. Last time I was here, they told me to leave for 24 hours. I did. … I was preaching the Gospel that day.”

“You’re still soliciting,” the guard says. “I’m walking,” Paul replies.

“Yes, you’re walking (while) wearing that shirt…and we’ve got guests come up [sic] saying that they’ve been offended by your shirt. … We’ve had guests come up and say [they’ve] been offended. … Take the shirt off, and you can go shopping. … Or I will be forced to (indecipherable)…”

A separate Facebook video shows three security guards present, one of whom is wearing a tactical vest and tactical pants.

A bystander is overheard saying, “Are they [messing] with him ’cause of his shirt? That’s a damn shame.”

Paul explains, “I came here to shop.”

Might there be a multitude of messages that may “offend” someone, over which security wouldn’t ask them to leave? That seems possible. And some might find it odd that “Jesus Saves” is banned from a place of commerce — an arena of exchange involving currency bearing “In God We Trust.”

Online, many were offended by the guards. A pastor named Chase Thompson wrote, “He should sue them into oblivion.” Additionally, a Facebook group has formed in support of Paul and religious liberty. A January 11th post by Bloomington Patriots announces the “Jesus Goes to the Mall” event:

Saturday Feb 4th
1-4 P.M.
Meet on main floor, inside the mall, in front of L.L. Bean.
Recently a young man had a JESUS ONLY shirt on at the MOA, and was asked by security there, to REMOVE HIS SHIRT!
Please wear Jesus shirts.
Some are getting shirts made that say:
Back: Jesus is the only way.
We will be asking people if we can pray for them, and share Gospel.
MOA Security: 952-883-8888

The mall may end up regretting its security force’s vigilance. Meanwhile, a Mall of America spokesperson has told the Daily Mail Paul was allowed to remain on the premises in his shirt.