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Tennessee is trying to ban 'chemtrails' from planes based on a wild conspiracy theory

Article Date - 03/22/2024

Just because the public labels a theory as a conspiracy theory does not make it false. They state that "When the humidity is higher, the contrails linger in the sky for longer — which causes more alarm among the conspiracy theorists." The unfortunate thing is that when the sky is full of "chem trails" and normal trails, both cannot exist at the same time if it were a humidity thing. What actually fuels the "conspiracy theory" is the stupid reason to dismiss the belief in the "conspiracy" with falsehoods. The same applied to the COVID theories where they are now finally able to admit many of the "conspiracy theories" were correct. "I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth" (1 John 2:21).