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British farmers have two options – go green or go under

Article Date - 03/09/2023

With spring approaching, Bill Quan is preparing to plant this year’s crop of potatoes and peas at his Herefordshire farm.

Yet there is a key difference on the field this year. Between the last harvest and the beginnings of the next one, Quan has kept the soil healthy using a mixed-species cover crop.


Not only does this add nitrogen and allow the earth to hold more water, it also sucks up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and sequesters it in organic matter.

That is good for the planet, as well as the farm. “When I was younger, we would have left that soil bare over the winter, but we’re not doing it now,” says Quan, who receives financial incentives for going green from clients including McCain, the frozen chips maker.

“We have all got to make our little bit of difference.”

He is just one among a growing cohort of British farmers who are increasingly being paid to go greener by their end customers – supermarkets and food companies – as they strive to reach “net zero” by 2050.

Alongside government schemes which promote environmental goods such as soil health, air quality and reduced water pollution, many farmers are signing up to private agreements with food companies they supply to change practices or reduce their carbon footprint.

Some are signing up to voluntary “carbon credit” schemes, in which they will be paid by third parties to go above and beyond their own responsibilities, says Susan Twining, chief land use policy adviser at the Country Land and Business Association (CLA).

Bill Quan - Lee Thomas
Bill Quan - Lee Thomas
The premise is simple. A farmer plants a wood, grows bigger hedgerows or tends the soil in a certain way, that sucks a certain number of tonnes of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

This is verified and then the farm is then granted a certificate for how much CO2 it has absorbed, which can be sold to a business that needs to reduce its own carbon footprint.

“Businesses should be looking to reduce their own emissions first,” Twining says, “but carbon credits could help with any residual emissions, the ones that are very difficult or impossible to remove.”

Certain industries, such as steelmaking, chemical production, cement making and even some farming such as rearing livestock, will never be able to completely eliminate all their carbon emissions, she points out. So under the plan to reach net zero emissions, “they will need to offset those somehow, by sequestration or emission removals”.

Farms and landowners are well placed to help with this, as many actions they can take to improve their own operations will also cut carbon emissions.

At the moment, they cannot participate in the official UK emissions trading scheme, although this may change soon with the Government having recently consulted on proposals to bring them in.

In the meantime, farms can participate in voluntary carbon trading markets. The two most established are the Woodland Carbon Code and the Peatland Code, both of which are recorded on the UK Land Carbon Registry.

The woodland code rewards landowners for planting trees, typically over a typical period of 30 to 40 years. It had 1,825 projects registered at the end of last year, according to statistics published on its website, covering a total of 67,333 hectares (about 166,000 football pitches). These have stored, or “sequestered” in industry jargon, around 21.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Other codes being developed would establish similar regimes covering soil, hedgerows and saltmarsh, as well as natural habitats that also store carbon dioxide.

The UK is not alone in this field, with similar initiatives under way in the US, the EU, Australia and New Zealand.

In eastern Australia, a vast area called the “mulga belt” is now home to a booming carbon trading industry that has netted 150 businesses at least $300m in less than a decade, according to official figures reported by the Washington Post.

Nature-based voluntary carbon credits were worth an estimated $3.4bn (£2.9bn) in 2022, according to data collected by advisory company Climate Focus. And by 2030, McKinsey predicts the carbon credits market could be worth $50bn a year – with nature solutions representing up to 40pc of the total.

Under the emerging soil carbon scheme, it is estimated that farmers could earn £200m to £750m per year from selling carbon credits across 17.7 million hectares of land.

That is based on an assumption that 1-2 tonnes of CO2 could be sequestered and stored per hectare, at a price of £11 to £21 per tonne (or up to £42 per hectare).

Bill Quan - Lee Thomas
Bill Quan - Lee Thomas
Returns under the woodland scheme are a bit better. For planting one hectare of native woodland, storing 6 to 8 tonnes of CO2, a farmer could receive up to £168 per hectare under the same price range.

But many experts believe prices will go far higher than this in the coming years. According to the International Energy Agency, prices will need to reach $130 per ton by 2030 and $250 per ton by 2050 in order for the industry to work.

But these nascent markets are still grappling with a host of regulatory and ethical dilemmas. Many voluntary carbon trading schemes remain opaque and use a variety of different standards – making it hard for businesses to know if they really count towards emission reductions. In the case of soil, measuring carbon sequestration accurately is a particularly difficult task that has not yet been mastered.

For farmers, investing in changing practices is also a costly affair – and committing to a long-term contract today at low prices is hardly attractive. And some are wary of incentives that could draw the industry away from food production to forest-planting, as well as the sweeping and unintended changes this could have on the environment.

Ellen Fay, founder of the Sustainable Soils Alliance, points out that there are also questions about how government incentives and carbon trading schemes will interact.

She says: “The question is how the Government can help farmers to have the confidence that if they do go for something in the soil carbon marketplace, they're still going to be eligible for farming subsidies, and how those things can sit alongside each other without double counting.

“It's quite a complex area – and there's an awful lot to play for.”

At the moment, however, the calculation for many farmers is simple: there is not enough money in carbon trading today. Back in Herefordshire, Bill Quan says many farmers are still adapting to the replacement of EU subsidies with UK schemes, which are far less generous.

“Everybody wants to be green,” he says of carbon trading. “But it’s not a big windfall for farming yet.”